(MND services in the ACT are provided by MND NSW)
Building 4, Gladesville Hospital, Victoria Road, Gladesville NSW 2111
Post: Locked Bag 5005,Gladesville NSW 1675
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a message66 Hughes Street, Mile End SA 5031
Post: PO Box 2087 Hilton Plaza SA 5033
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a messageBuilding 4, Gladesville Hospital,Victoria Road, Gladesville NSW 2111
Post: Locked Bag 5005,Gladesville NSW 1675
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a message(MND services in Tasmania are provided by MND Victoria)
265 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury Vic 3126
Post: PO Box 23, Canterbury 3126
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a message(MND services in the NT are provided by MND NSW)
Building 4, Gladesville Hospital, Victoria Road, Gladesville NSW 2111
Post: Locked Bag 5005, Gladesville NSW 1675
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a message265 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury Vic 3126
Post: PO Box 23, Canterbury 3126
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a message1/89 Factory Road, Oxley QLD 4075
Post: PO Box 470, Inala QLD 4077
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a messageUnit 1, 184 Raleigh Street, Carlisle WA 6101
Post: as above
T: 1800 777 175
Visit website Send a messageSearch
State of Play is MND Australia's research webinar series. Webinars are open to all members of the MND community to provide an introduction to the advancements in MND research in Australia.
State of Play is broadcast through Zoom and MND Australia's Facebook page. Details of upcoming webinars are usually promoted through our e-newsletter, website and social media pages.
We would love to hear any suggestions regarding topics for future webinars, so if there is an area of MND research that you would like to see covered then please send us an email at research@mndaustralia.org.au
Recordings of previous State of Play webinars are available to watch at any time. The most recent edition is below and all other webinars from 2020-25 are available on our YouTube channel.