Ways to give

A donation to MND Australia or MND Research Australia goes towards improving the lives of people living with MND and research to find treatments and eventually cure for MND. There are a variety of ways you can help us reach our vision of a world free of MND.

Single and regular online donations

You can choose to give a one-off donation or set a monthly donation through our secure online donation form. When donating online, you also have the option to gift money in memory of a loved one, in celebration of an event, or as a way to pay in money from a fundraiser.

If you prefer, you can also donate over the phone by calling us on 02 8287 4980 or by posting a cheque to:

MND Australia
PO Box 117
Deakin West ACT 2600

Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most impactful ways to leave a legacy and support MND Australia or MND Research Australia. You should seek legal advice from a solicitor or authorised trustee company because it is important your wishes are properly expressed, and that the correct legal wording is used.

Below is some suggested wording for leaving a gift in your will:

"I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $________ ) to the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Australia Inc. (ABN 52 650 269 176).  I declare that the receipt of the Institute’s President, Treasurer, Secretary or Executive Director shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."


"I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $________ ) to the Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia Inc. (ABN 46 789 710 580) for research into motor neurone disease.  I declare that the receipt of the Institute’s President, Treasurer, Secretary or Executive Director shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."

For more information on leaving a gift in your will, please call us on 02 8287 4980.