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MND research


Around the world, MND researchers are working hard to find effective treatments, develop better care and discover a cure for motor neurone disease.

Neurological (brain and nervous system) research is complex. We do not understand what causes MND in most cases. There is still a lot to learn about what happens to result in motor neurons dying.

Researchers are also looking for ways to stop or slow the death of these nerve cells once someone has MND. In the last decade our knowledge of MND has accelerated due to research. Australian researchers are pushing boundaries to find new ways to treat MND.

MND Research Australia (MNDRA)
MND Research Australia (MNDRA) is the research arm of MND Australia. MNDRA promotes and funds medical and scientific research to understand the causes, improve care, find effective treatments and discover cures for MND.

Since 1987, MNDRA has funded over $50 million in research grants.

Learn more about research we fund

Throughout the year there are several opportunities to learn more about MND research:

  • State of Play is a webinar series hosted by MNDRA with updates on cutting-edge research from leading Australian MND scientists. Follow MND Australia on Facebook to see when new sessions are coming up and watch recorded webinars on our YouTube channel.
  • Research Directions provides insights and commentary on Australian and international MND research by our Executive Research Director, Dr Gethin Thomas. Updates are published every month on the MND Australia website.
    Read the latest edition
  • MND Australia newsletter is a monthly e-newsletter that covers all aspects of MND, including regular research updates. Subscribe to our newsletter through the footer at the bottom of this page.
  • Advance is a bi-annual printed and digital research update with information about new projects and the progress of research funded by MNDRA.
    Read the latest edition
  • An international ALS/MND Connect (previously known as Ask the Experts) is hosted every year by the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations and the local host organisation. The event is live streamed and recorded. To access previous sessions and to find out about the next session visit The Alliance Facebook page.
  • The ALS Therapy Development Institute is a research institute in Massachusetts, USA dedicated to developing new ALS/MND treatments. The Institute’s website also lists clinical trials for ALS internationally and in Australia.
  • ALSUntangled reviews alternative and off label treatments to help people with ALS/MND make more informed decisions.
    Visit ALS Untangled

Many people with MND are eager to participate in MND research. To find out more, talk to your neurologist about research opportunities in your area or visit the websites below:

  • Clinical Trials: In clinical trials, experimental drugs, medical devices, treatments and therapies are tested for their safety and how well they work. People living with MND can join clinical trials as well research focused on improving health care and wellbeing.
    Find out more about clinical trials being conducted in Australia
  • The Australian Government Clinical Trial website is a search portal for clinical trials in Australia.
  • The International Clinical Trials Registry Platform is the World Health Organisation's search portal for clinical trials.
  • is the United States National Institutes of Health's (NIH) database of private and public clinical trials in the US and around the world.
  • The Sporadic ALS Australia Systems Genomics Consortium (SALSA-SGC) aims to improve understanding of sporadic MND. SALSA –SCG collects clinical data and biological samples from people living with MND across Australia to help with future research.
    Find out more about SALSA-SGC
  • The MiNDAUS Registry is a secure online database that collects MND data from patients and clinics across Australia. It provides a central platform for people with MND and their carers to store their medical information. You may also choose to make your information available to clinicians and researchers to aid their research efforts.
    Find out more about MiNDAUS and how to join
  • MND Research Tissue and Brain Banks care for brains and related samples donated by people who have had neurological disorders or issues, including MND and Parkinson’s disease. Brain banks help researchers understand how brain diseases occur. The research aims to improve diagnosis, develop treatments and, hopefully, a cure. A brain or spinal cord tissue donation involves a person giving their brain to be used for medical research after they die. Speaking with your neurologist can help you to learn more about brain or spinal cord tissue donation. It is also important for researchers to compare brains and spinal cords from people who do not have MND. Family members and friends may also consider registering as a donor. Brain donations are organised by state-based brain banks. A list can be found on the Brain Foundation website.