How frequently would you like to donate to MND Australia?



Leaving a gift in your will has the power to change the future of motor neurone disease. A valid Will allows you to decide how you would like your assets to be distributed. You should seek legal advice from a solicitor or authorised trustee company because it is important your wishes are properly expressed, and that the correct legal wording is used.

For a gift in your will to MND Australia, the following wording is appropriate:
"I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $________ ) to Motor Neurone Disease Australia Ltd (ABN 52 650 269 176)."

If you would like the gift in your will to go specifically towards our research grants program, the following wording is appropriate:
"I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $________ ) to Motor Neurone Disease Australia Ltd (ABN 52 650 269 176) for research into motor neurone disease."

To donate via bank transfer to MND Australia, please follow the steps below:

  1. Transfer your donation to MND Australia (BSB: 062-171; Account: 10227916)
  2. If you wish to donate specifically to our research grants program, transfer your donation to MND Australia - Research (BSB: 062-152; Account: 00902053)
  3. Please include a reference in the transfer (such as your name or organisation name)
  4. Get in touch with us to advise us of your donation, so that we are able to provide you with a receipt. You can call us on 02 8287 4980 or email your details to

To donate via the phone, please call MND Australia on 02 8287 4980.

Fundraising events are a very important and significant source of donations for MND Australia. The simplest way to fundraise is through online fundraising platforms.

MND Australia is a registered charity with GoFundMe and Gofundraise.

Gofundraise and GoFundMe are well-established online fundraising platforms and are very user friendly. As with all online donation platforms, Gofundraise and GoFundMe do charge some fees at the point of donation. These fees are minimal and, given that donor receipts are automatically generated at the time of donation, results in a saving in MND Australia staff time.

Our 'How to fundraise' brochure contains some helpful information on organising and setting up a fundraising event.

If you are planning to hold an event and collect funds yourself on behalf of MND Australia (not using an online fundraising platform) please email us  at or call 02 8287 4980 and we will provide you with an authority to fundraise.

There are two ways you can sign up to become a regular monthly donor:

1. Credit Card donation
To donate by credit card, select the 'monthly donation' button on the next page. Monthly donations are processed in the middle of each month.

2. Direct debit donation
You can also set up a direct debit monthly payment to MND Australia through your bank's online banking or in your bank branch. Please email us at if you would like to use this option and we will provide you with the necessary details.

Receipts for monthly donations are sent out annually, at the end of the financial year. Please make sure your email and/or postal address is up to date, so that we are able to ensure you receive your annual receipt.