MND Australia

Connecting with the National MND Lived Experience Network

Organisations or groups are welcome to submit a request to connect with members of the National MND Lived Experience Network, for a specific activity, relating to either:

  • care and support
  • raising awareness of MND
  • developing or reviewing information material about MND
  • advocacy/policy
  • research

Submitting a request

To submit a request please:

  1. Read our Policy for Engaging with Members of the National MND Lived Experience Network
  2. Consider your engagement plan and how you will support meaningful inclusion of people with lived experience of MND in your activity. For practical tips, please refer to our Checklist to Support Meaningful Engagement with People Impacted by MND
  3. Complete the online request form below. The information entered on this form will ensure that we can match network members to your activity requirements and provide them with adequate information to make an informed choice about participating.
  4. Submissions will be reviewed by our Approval Panel, on the third Wednesday of each month. The cut-off date for submissions to be reviewed at Approval Panel meetings, is the second-Wednesday of each month.

    Please allow a 6-8 week lead time, allowing for Approval Panel decision, promotion of your activity, and managing expressions of interest (please note: we cannot guarantee that LEN members will express interest in your activity).

Request Form

Please note: following completion of your engagement activity, you will be required to submit a Final Feedback Report to MND Australia, including details about how you intend to share any feedback, outcomes, or results, with the members who assisted you.